How to increase good IQ level 110-130 in our child? (2023)

Good IQ Level
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Every parent desires their children to be strong and possess good IQ levels. By following 15 steps, it’s possible to attain an exceptional IQ score between 110 and 130.

The author of this article is a science graduate, teacher, and philanthropist with more than 20 years of service in the development of mentally retarded children.

We must know what IQ is? An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a concept coined by the American psychologist Lewis Terman in 1916. Lewis conducted the first intelligence test on American soldiers during World War I.

Mensa International is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world.

Coming on main topics: Each parent wants their kids to be smart, clever, and famous. We send them to different coaching classes to fulfill our wishes, but that’s not enough. Too much of a burden and hasty decisions can create trouble for kids. But if, as parents, we plan things well, then it can help kids to increase their IQ level to 120+.

The question is, what should be a good IQ level? Where can it be measured? With this, seeing the attached images gives a better idea.

An analysis of the previous practice and the latest study data (2023) shows much better results have been achieved.

   IQ Classifications                                   RR    

1. Memory Games:

Playing games like puzzles, memory chain games, and Rubic cubes is very beneficial to increasing the IQ level of the child. Memory games help improve the child’s memory power and increase the child’s reasoning power and fluency. It helps a lot in increasing the child’s perceptive power and quick decision-making power. Which plays a significant role in the development of the child’s brain.

                    Rubic Cubes             Memory Game

2. Musical Instruments:

Studies show that if a child develops an interest in playing a musical instrument, a certain IQ level is higher, and he becomes more confident than other children. It is scientifically proven that if a child learns to play a musical instrument, the brain power increases, keeping inner nervousness at bay. Thus, devoting a few days each week to playing music is more effective and strengthens the foundation for increasing IQ levels.

                     Musical INstruments          Musical Instruments

3. Natural play:

When a child plays a sport that involves the use of the body, the sport strengthens the body muscles, brain muscles, and lungs, which increases endorphin hormones, making the child more energetic and agile. And brings out the decision-making power of the brain quickly. Which plays an essential part in increasing his IQ level. Thus, some days every week, physically demanding sports should be played.

Vitamin D

4. Math Game:

This is a very important and fundamental way to increase the good IQ level; playing math games develops a kind of calculation skill in the child’s mind, which leads to quick decision-making and positive behavior by using the inner working power of the brain. It helps to increase a child’s interest, and also, by learning Abacus and Vedic math, one can improve IQ levels 110-130, which is greatly beneficial in increasing a good IQ level.

                          Jigsaw Puzzle          Brain Game

5. Deep breathing/yoga:

A recent study has proven that encouraging a child to do pranayama from now on will have countless benefits. Pranayama allows oxygen to stay longer in the lungs, which is vital in purifying the blood and strengthening the heart. So a child should allocate at least 15 minutes a day, thrice a week, to get better results to improve the child’s IQ of 120+.


6. Natural Environment:

Instead of an enclosed environment, children should go out & play in open spaces so that they will get natural sunlight, which will help them increase their vitamin D levels from 35 to 100 ng/mL. As a result, immunity will improve. So, there will be less sickness, less medicine, and less irritability. This helps increase a child’s IQ level.

Natural Play

7. Family Conflict:

This is a very important point to be taken care of in a child’s mental development, which we often ignore. Many parents quarrel or argue in front of kids, which is very wrong, and one should stop doing that. This will affect the child very badly. The child will stop taking interest in other activities and feel alone and scared. Which, in turn, will decrease the IQ level to less than 80.

Family Conflict

8. Electronic Gadgets: 

The most significant nuisance, if any, is other devices like TVs, mobiles, and iPads. For this, the present study says that from overuse, the child becomes obese, irritable, and irritable. Sometimes, time is also conditional and so much homework will be given only after work. So that a specific planning balance of power is generated in the child’s brain and does not come under the control of electronic gadgets. As a result, a good IQ level is also maintained due to the development of his brain.

Electronics Items

9. Caring for:

Instead of taking too much care of the child, observing what he is doing from a safe distance is imperative, not stopping at all and not rushing. If at one time he falls down or strikes, first pay attention to what he is doing, see what his mind is commanding, and then come to his aid. By doing this, the child will become self-made and will not panic in any difficult situation, which helps in increasing his IQ level.

Pay attention

10. Chess Game:

All the above experiments are practical if the child is kept motivated and interested in playing chess, thus developing decision-making power, enterprising activity, and self-confidence. So, it does not mean to play chess for hours and hours. Keep the child interested in this chess game till the age of 15 years. Hence, even if the child grows up, his build will be very calculative and noble.

Chess for IQ

11. Purity-Discretion: 

 Inform the child about hygiene care from an early age, make him enthusiastic about punctuality, and give detailed knowledge in this matter by explaining and providing examples to make him wise towards elders. By doing this, the child will understand the public or sudden situation with composure and become an inspiration to others who are motivated from within. Thus, a good foundation and a good IQ level will help prevent the decrease.


12. Discipline:

Always encourage the child to be disciplined without pressure, make the child aware of his good character, and encourage him to insist on good manners, for which a good example should also be given. According to the age, the child should also be given general knowledge of traffic and curvature. Encourage competition to speak boldly and eloquently in public and become adventurous.

Self Deciplene

13. Food Habit:

Always recommend food like green vegetables, milk, and protein-rich food to children, which should be made and eaten in different flavors so that they enjoy it, and giving junk food only for a limited time twice a week helps to maintain good digestive power and helps to maintain mental balance. 

Junk Food

14. Body Posture:

If children are used to keeping the spine erect since childhood, then there is no more load on the brain through the nerves, and thus, the brain does not use its energy elsewhere, and it plays a vital role in maintaining a good IQ level. Therefore, a seating arrangement should be arranged so one can always sit upright.

Body Posture

15. Tongue Twister:

Between the ages of 6 and 10, if children practice pronouncing difficult words, it will definitely be beneficial, which will increase their confidence and refresh their brain nerves, and as a result, the possibility of having a good IQ level from a young age will increase.

                   Tounge Twister          Spelling Quiz

Thus, by aligning the child’s development with the aforementioned factors, it is certain that crucial brain chemicals such as glutamate, GABA, noradrenaline, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin will balance out. Undoubtedly, this will result in our children becoming gifted and possessing an IQ level distinct from their peers, ensuring our children are geniuses with a high IQ level.

Here are some children with good IQ levels who are called geniuses.

Genius Child


Short Tips to Remember Most:

  1. The above steps should be implemented with the child’s interests in mind.
  2. Guide the child to follow the timetable.
  3. Encourage even in small tasks.
  4. Give a puzzle, book, or math game as a prize.
  5. Greet with love no matter what the mistake is.
  6. It makes sense to be adventurous.
  7. Learn to adjust from what you don’t have.
  8. Be sure not to become stubborn.

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